Picture of LexJet 5 Mil ArmorGuard Ultra Low Gloss - 25in x 250ft

LexJet 5 Mil ArmorGuard Ultra Low Gloss - 25in x 250ft

LexJet ArmorGuard Ultra Low Gloss is a 5-mil low-melt thermal laminating film that can help convert silver-halide-processed photo prints and prints from elect ... Read More

Brand: LexJet

Price: $680.00 ($1.31 / SQ. FT.)
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LexJet ArmorGuard Ultra Low Gloss is a 5-mil low-melt thermal laminating film that can help convert silver-halide-processed photo prints and prints from electrographic (toner-based) presses into indestructible graphics for trade-show and exhibit graphics.

The innovative hardcoat surface provides a high level of scratch resistance. UV inhibitors in adhesive protect the film and colors in the print from the harmful effects of sustained exposure to sunlight or fluorescent lighting.

The ultra-low-gloss of the film minimizes glare, ensuring the trade-show graphics remain easily readable, even under the bright lights of the trade-show floor.

The low-melt adhesives bond so well with photographic prints and bond papers that graphics sandwiched between 5 Mil ArmorGuard Ultra Low Gloss film and one of LexJet’s low-melt backers will resist damage such as tunneling or delaminating even when the graphic panels are repeatedly rolled and unrolled for transport from one trade-show site to the next.

Technical Specifications

Product Type Laminates & Coatings
Adhesive Type Thermal
Finish Gloss
Laminate & Coating Type Thermal
Material Polyester
Thickness 5 mil
Core Size 3 in
Width 25 in
Length 250 ft
Units 1 Roll
Edge Loyalty Points Multiplier 1x Edge Points
Properties Description
Gauge Surface: 3 mil Polyester Film; Adhesive: 2 mil Coextrusion
30 min @ 70° F No Visible Effect: Acetone, Butyl Cellosolve, Cyclohexanone, Ethyl Acetate, Hexane, Isopropyl Alcohol, MEK, Methylene Chloride, Toluene, Xylene.
24 hours @ 120° F No Visible Effect: Clorox™ , Coffee, Downy™ , Fantastik™ , Formula 409™ , Ketchup, Lemon Juice, Mr. Clean™ , Mustard (slight yellow stain), Spray 'N Wash™ , Tea, Tomato Juice, Top Job™ , Wisk™ .
Solvent Resistance Contact Result
Gloss Level @ 60° 35%
Heat Seal Initiation 180° F (78° C) 1/2 sec. dwell @ 40 psi
Processing Temperature Range 180° to 245° F
Coefficient of Friction Test Method: ASTM D 1894. .40 Kinetic
UVA Absorption Test Method: Perkin-Elmer Spectrophotometer. 85% Min
UVB Absorption Test Method: Perkin-Elmer Spectrophotometer. 100%
Abrasion Resistance Test Method: Taber Abrasion-ASTM D 1044 CS-10F Wheel 500 gram weight: 100 cycles

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