The Canon Colorado M-series devices can be easily upgraded to ‘W’ versions for white ink so you can purchase the white ink option after your initial printer purchase.
Highlights of the Colorado M-series printers includes:
- Hassle Free White Ink Option
- Modularly built: Ability to start with a base M3 BASE configuration and add modular options as needed at any time such as dual roll, double sided printing, speed increase, white ink, FLXfinish+, etc.
- Large 700ml CMYKW
- GREENGUARD Gold certification
- Free PRISMAguide XL software included in each White ink purchase: a powerful make-ready software which results in effortless production runs with consistent high quality.
Canon Colorado M3W Set Printer features:
- M-series base printer
- Colorado License Base
- Colorado M-series License Speed M3
- Colorado M-series License White
- PRISMAguide XL Pro for Colorado